As the bodies of street girls start to pile up in Anchorage, fear strikes a chord with the public.
#Frozen ground serial
Based on true events, the plot succeeds in keeping the attention of the viewer, despite the killer's identity be disclosed in the beginning. 'Frozen Ground' is inspired by the incredible true story that follows Alaskan State Trooper Jack Halcombe (Nicolas Cage) as he sets out to end the murderous rampage of Robert Hansen (John Cusack), a serial killer who has gone unnoticed for 13 years. "The Frozen Ground' is a great and effective old-fashioned thriller that is supported in performances and not in explosions, car chases or special effects. Jack tries to earn Cindy's trust to send Bob to the court but she is afraid and tries to leave Alaska. A teenage escapee (Vanessa Hudgens) provides a critical break in the case, as an Alaskan detective (Nicolas Cage) hunts a serial killer who has been preying on women for 13 years. A shovel will do you little good trying to break through the frost layer, and even a pick while it will work will take quite a bit of elbow grease to get it into the softer dirt. The definition is based entirely on temperature and is independent of the water and ice content. Frozen ground is an absolute bear to dig through, as anyone who has had to go through the experience will tell you.

Jack believes that Bob is the serial-killer but he has no evidences to arrest him. Frozen ground is soil or rock with a temperature below 0C.

Meanwhile Sergeant Jack Halcombe (Nicolas Cage) is assigned to investigate the murder of seven young women and the detective that found Cindy secretly sends her case to him. Frozen ground is the product of cold climates as. The police officers do not believe on her words and Cindy returns to the streets and Bob is not accused. Nicolas Cage, Vanessa Hudgens and John Cusack give solid performances in this Prime Suspect-like thriller. This book provides a general survey of Geocryology, which is the study of frozen ground called permafrost.
#Frozen ground movie
In 1993, in Anchorage, Alaska, the young prostitute Cindy Paulson (Vanessa Hudgens) is found cuffed in her apartment and she claims that she has been rapped and threatened by Robert "Bob" Hansen (John Cusack), a citizen married with children. The Frozen Ground movie reviews & Metacritic score: Based on a true story, an Alaska State Trooper partners with a young woman who escaped the clutches of serial killer Robert Hansen to bring the murderer to just.